Thursday, February 01, 2007


Congrats Jordan and Jill!!!!

Also on Febuary 1st, I saw my first vaginal birth
Called 6:30 am (thanks for letting me get a full night's sleep :) )
Drive over
Beautiful homebirth
Partner so supportive I almost cried just watching him support her
I also supported mom with back rubs and hugs and words of encouragement.
Listened to baby's heart several times
Took vitals
Supported mom's leg and watched crowning and birth
Helped stimulate baby when born (mom and primary midwife caught baby)
Cried when head then shoulders born
Helped assess newborn (aka learning how to do it)
Drew vitamin K shot.... uh... not quite ready to do it.... next time
Lost for words, it is amazing, I will never forget this
I have so much to learn but can't wait to do it again
Scared and excited


Margie said...

much nicer birth then Jordan and Jill's!

14 hours of active labor, three hours of pushing, forceps, and almost a c-section... Jill is exhausted!

But that baby is beautiful!

the lovely kaelyn said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!
That is hard, I hope she is feeling better soon :)

Jaci said...

Glad you are having fun and learning so much Kaelyn!