Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I feel like I am at camp. My life is very structured with a routine of Monday-Friday, 8:30-5pm. I am in the Midwifery 1 Intensive and I am loving it. Tomorrow will be day 3. I spend my days with 19 other women and a handful of talented, inspiring midwives who impart their skills and wisdom to us. Yesterday we practiced initial interviews and health histories and informed choice discussion. Today we learned how to draw blood and I did it twice!!!!!! It feels like butter, the initial insertion of the needle, yes the superficial skin and the vein feel like butter (the level of resistance). We also learned how to do IM and SC injections (on oranges) (intramuscular and subcutaneous). And, we learned how to set up an IV and how to injected meds into the IV unit.
Very excited. So far so good! Love it, happy, I am happy!


Jaci said...

So happy for you Kaelyn! Exciting when you can do something you truly love.

Rich said...

Good for you! I always had trouble with IV access i school!